We have been interested in tracking our ever-growing fleet of vehicles for a while – primarily for security and insurance purposes. When we have approached companies to do this previously, we have been subject to lots of sales patter, relentless phone calls – and generally not a very appealing service. Steve introduced me to JabbaTalk’s tracking system – and instantly, I knew it was exactly what we were looking for; the ability to add and track numerous drivers/vehicle, not at all overcomplicated to use – and most importantly the ability to create periodic reports based on the whereabouts of the vans.
I would have been happy with just that, however, after realising that JabbaTalk were primarily a telecoms company – we brought up the idea of moving our office phones and broadband over to JabbaTalk. Like that it was done.
The result is now we have a very fast internet connection in to our office, very much-improved phones & phone system, and of course a great vehicle tracking system.
Thanks to Steve, Andy and the team for making the transition an easy one – and helping to resolve any queries very quickly.