Here at JabbaTalk we’re proud to employ some of the finest telecoms solutions within the industry. It may seem a long time off, however if you currently use ISDN lines in any format you will have to change sooner than later.

“BT announced their intention to switch off the ISDN networks by 2025 which went relatively unnoticed in the industry. Customers will be migrated to a single IP core network that ultimately will replace all legacy networks and platforms.

This announcement holds more relevance now considering the recent Ofcom ruling where the relaxing of BTs hold on Openreach network will be taking effect for fixed line services, but they continue to hold the broadband arm of Openreach.

PSTN and ISDN: What’s the difference?

PSTN lines are your standard copper wire lines like you have in your house, where as ISDN lines are digital lines, used in the main on telephone systems to make and receive several calls at once.

The alternative – VoIP

Instead of using fixed line services, ‘Voice over IP’ allows you to make calls over your internet connection. VoIP is growing from strength to strength within the industry, it has already seen an uptake for lots of SMEs. For many business customers this move by the company will force them to explore new systems, with the added benefit (in my opinion) of a more cost effective solution than ISDN.

So what do you need to know about the “switch off”?

What to do now?

Sooner is better when it comes to looking at a new set up, and VoIP really is worth looking into first. There are several reasons for this;

Cost savings –  All inclusive line rental, cheaper calls including International calls and free calls between your organisation’s offices. Our bundles include minutes to any UK number regardless as whether it is a UK 01, 02, 03 or a UK mobile number.

Mobility – Moving the VoIP service from one premises to another, is incredibly simple. As long as there is abroadband connection in your new premises, you are ready to move. Also, remote workers can login to your VoIP from anywhere using an internet connection, even on their mobiles.

Multi-functional – You can also give your VoIP system and number the appearance of any number that you wish. For example, if you are based in Kent, but want to push into the London market, you can make your number appear to either receive or dial out as a 0207/0208 number. It is incredibly customisable and adaptive. Also, as well as voice calls, VoIP can also be used for video-conferencing using a VoIP phone.

Scalability – VoIP technology scales easily to your business. New phone licences can simply be added, reassigned or removed depending on your business’ needs

When to migrate?

We would advise businesses to start thinking about migrating sooner rather than later and speak to one of our highly trained VOIP specialists. Concerns raised within the telecoms industry is that ISDN is essentially viewed as a dying dinosaur, investment in it is likely to fall. This could mean that the standard of the existing network could begin to suffer the effects of being retired well before the 2025 switch off date, and we want to ensure our customers are aware of this process.

Things to watch out for…

You’ll need to ensure that your office internet can handle VoIP. To operate the service to its optimal level, you’ll most likely need fibre-optic broadband to ensure its smooth running.

Phone systems and handsets also need to support VoIP, having identified a provider you will be able to find out if they are compatible or not. If not, you can either upgrade your existing system or replace your phone system with a hosted telephony offering.

At JabbaTalk we would always recommend, if you have a system now, upgrading with a complete hosted offering is the best solution. The reason being is that the service provider will be able to provide a greater level of support as they have an understanding of the equipment you are using. It will also enable you to get rid of that bulky system, therefore less equipment means less to go wrong!

Dates to keep in mind

2020: Five years before ISDN lines will be switched off; businesses will no longer be able to buy any new systems that use these networks. Although 2025 may seem a long way off, 2020 is only four years away so if you are not thinking about now, chances are, it will be something that you will need to consider in the immediate future.”

To speak to one of our highly trained VOIP specialists today call 0333 240 1185