If you’re like the rest of us and keep running out of data each month then this is defiantly the tariff for you. JabbaTalk are pleased to announce our Full Monty tariff on Vodafone & O2 is now available with unlimited data. Yes, completely unlimited, no data caps, no restrictions and also comes with unlimited calls & text each month all for £27.50 per month excluding VAT.
If you’re like the rest of us and keep running out of data each month then this is defiantly the tariff for you. JabbaTalk are pleased to announce our Full Monty tariff on Vodafone & O2 is now available with unlimited data. Yes, completely unlimited, no data caps, no restrictions and also comes with unlimited calls & text each month all for £27.50 per month excluding VAT.
Whether you’re using the sim card in a smart phone or even in place of your broadband, this is the tariff for you.
Completely cap your monthly spend each month by choosing our completely unlimited Full Monty Deal.
Terms & conditions apply – 30 Day rolling contract payable on Direct Debit.
Get in touch to find out how you can switch your services to JabbaTalk by calling 01524 39212.